MasterGage® In the Media
MasterGage ® precision calibration and alignment tool reviews.
MasterGage ® System Quality, Industry Recognition and Reviews

MasterGage/Classic Awarded “TOP TOOL”
MasterGage/Classic performed at the top of the class—so we named it the TOP TOOL” Wood Magazine, September, 2003. The magazine’s experts awarded the patented MasterGage/Classic the coveted “TOP TOOL” Award for the best machine alignment tool. The MasterGage/Classic won FIRST PLACE over nine other entries."Tested best for radial-arm saws"
“MasterGage Classic topped all contenders here for a couple of reasons. First, the sides adjacent to the knife edge are reliably square, so you don’t need to fiddle with (or calibrate) a dial indicator. And the other gauges that can “do square” must be stripped of the guide bearings to sit flat on the radial-arm saw table.”
"MasterGage Classic"
“High Points:
- Perpendicular “knife edge” proved perfectly square whether referenced from the top or bottom edge.
- The expand-to-fit miter-slot guide dismounts quickly for nonslotted tabletops, such as those on the mitersaw, jointer, planer, and drill press.
- Dial indicator raises, lowers, and easily switches from horizontal to vertical for measurements such as blade height.”
“High Points:
- Checks the two most common tablesaw alignments: blade and rip fence parallel to the miter slot.”